High School

Portrait of Jesse Underhill, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Jesse Underhill
Health and Physical Education
Athletics Director
Portrait of Catherine Hodgson, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Catherine Hodgson
Portrait of David Castle, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
David Castle
Portrait of Osvaldo Cadena, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Osvaldo Cadena
English & ESL
Portrait of Dr. Terry Kurtz, who is an admin and a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Dr. Terrance Kurtz
Geography and ILC
Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
Portrait of Arthur Wong, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Arthur Wong
Portrait of Kevin Jones, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Kevin Jones
Guidance Counselor
Portrait of Callie Van den Berg, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Callie Van den Berg
Physical Education
Portrait of Dominic Dalida, a teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Dominic Dalida
ICT and Computer Science
Business and Technology Head
Portrait of Vicky Srandring, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Vicky Standring
English, History, and Global Issues
Humanities Head
Portrait of Tom Sly, a teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Tom Sly
Physical Education & Geography
Portrait of Justin Foreman, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Justin Foreman
English & Geography
Portrait of Emily Vincent, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Emily Vincent
English & Life Works
Portrait of Trevor Clouthier, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Trevor Clouthier
History & Drama
Portrait of Michael McNally, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Michael McNally
Business & Entrepeneurship
Portrait of Dorian Burt, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Dorian Burt
Math Department Head
Portrait of Greg Helmer, a teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Greg Helmer
Portrait of Daniel Standring, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Daniel Standring
Science & Physics
Portrait of Mark Scott, a science teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Mark Scott
Biology & Statistics
Portrait of Michael Shaturin, a science teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Michael Shaturin
Chemistry & Science
Portrait of Tracy Martinez, a teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Tracy Martinez
English & Psychology
Portrait of Stephen Keeler, a teacher at Clifford International School in Panyu, Guangzhou, China
Stephen Keeler
Music & Drama
Portrait of Craig Nichols, a teacher at Clifford International School in Guangzhou, Panyu, China
Craig Nichols
English & Humanities